Workshop READSEARCH – PXL MUSIC immersive festival
From 17 to 19 May 2022, PXL MUSIC-Research and MAD-Research showed their facilities and research projects to their professional network. With external keynote speakers. Ann Bessemans and Janneke Janssen presented a workshop in search of an immersive experience: reading & listening. Within an immersive, interactive reading experience, we seek to apply techniques to improve reading, no matter what skill within reading. Note that our different ways of reading can play an important role. Establishing an immersive reading experience offers the potential to improve ‘reading comprehension’ by providing/constructing a ‘new’ framework of knowledge. In this workshop, Ann Bessemans and Janneke Janssen set up a content-based foundation to create an immersive reading experience (based on the program that is offered within MAD MUSIC) after delineated but varied sources that participants offer through dialogue and critical attitudes. For each of these sources (theoretical, visual, musical...), an image will be sought or designed. Participation is contingent upon the participants that have enjoyed at least one reading/performance. In concrete terms, we want to actively ‘build’ with participants towards a publication. In addition, we will discuss with participants what an immersive reading experience is and how we can link reading -and knowledge- benefits to it.
Janneke Janssen
Typographic Design Research