Janneke Janssen

Typographic Design Research

TDC exhibition opens at the Cooper Union, NYC

Today the TDC exhibition opens and displays some of my books 💙 at the Cooper Union, NYC. The show is running until 09/08

It’s Type Directors Club, New York City debut of The World’s Best Typography exhibition, which features award-winning work of the club’s 65th Annual Communications Design and 2019 Typeface Design.

The exhibition displays typography in a wide range of categories including books, posters, corporate branding, logos, web graphics, film and TV titles, products, and magazines from many countries including the United States, France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the People’s Republic of China, South Korea, and others.

Identity: Bond Creative

2 x a Silver Certificate at the Indigo Design Awards 2019 – Malaga, Spain

Two book projects were awarded a Silver Certificate at the Indigo Design Awards at the Picasso Museum in Malaga, Spain.

The periodical ISSUES 1 ‘Reading Mary through Time & Space’ and the book ‘20 years Hedah, the archive’, have been selected by the jury to receive the “Silver Certificate” in the Indigo Design Award competition in the category book design.

> the projects are included in the ceremonies publication

“Certificate of Typographic Excellence” the book ‘Reading Mary through Time & Space’ selected by TDC

The book ‘Reading Mary through Time & Space’, has been selected by the judges to receive the “Certificate of Typographic Excellence” in the TDC Communication Design Competition. It will be included in the Annual of the Type Directors Club, The World’s Best Typography, and will also be shown at the 65th Awards Exhibition (TDC65) in New York City. – Mary on the road

Rite de passage – Antwerp

READSEARCH — PXL-MAD (Media, Arts, Design) School of Arts / Hasselt University —gave me the opportunity to organise and design the exhibition (and campaign) ‘Rite de passage’ @ Fameus during GAST, Hofstraat 15 in Antwerp. The event took place as a parallel programme besides ATypI 2018 (Typographic conference).

OPENING: Thursday, September 13, 20:30h
• Somebody Called me Sebastiaan
• Readsearch legibility research
• A lot of student work and work of alumni
• Letters out of stone by Jos Geusens
• Mural by Vincent de Boer
(bar closes @ 0:00h)

Exhibition running from September 8 until September 21
Mo-Fr 10-17h
Sa-Su 11-17h

‘Rite de passage’ features typographic work from students who followed or are following (typo)graphic education in Hasselt. The exhibition shows:
a) typefaces designed by bachelor and master students from the past 12 years at PXL-MAD School of Arts (under the supervision of Ann Bessemans and her READSEARCH colleagues);
b) a set of splendid typographical artefacts created by students under the supervision of the Graphic teachers.

Beside, Rite de passage also gives a platform to:
a) alumni who would like to exhibit more of their typographic work;
b) our student Kenneth Vanoverbeke who received a TDC scholarship;
c) the work of Jos Geusens (former student of Kristoffel Boudens) a Belgian stone letter-carver who gives workshops in Hoepertingen.

(Typo)Graphic Teachers: Ann Bessemans, Geoffrey Brusatto, Tom Lambeens, MarĂ­a PĂŠrez, Maarten Renckens, Luc Rerren, Monique Rutten, Katleen Verjans & Johan Vandebosch

ATypI Antwerp 2018

This Association of Typographique Internationale was held in Antwerp and offered a great cocktail of workshops, lectures, exhibitions, books and more from 11 – 15  September. Some great names that past by where; Matthew Carter, Underware, the men of Glyphs, Geertrui Storms, Patrick Goossens, Eric Menninga and on top of that also Gerard Unger came by for a booksigning of Theory of Type Design (September 2018).

The project Issues no.1 – Reading Mary through time and space is nominated and selected

The project Issues no.1 – Reading Mary through time and space is nominated by the Wanatoe Jury Limburg (Flanders) and selected for Design Talent of the year 2018 by FlandersDC!

You can see the video and article that was made her:

Wanatoe Prize nomination:

Design Talent of 2018:

EXIT 2018 – Master projects Visual Arts MAD & LUCA


EXIT bundles the graduation projects of the masters of LUCA School of Arts Campus C-mine Genk, PXL-MAD School of Arts Hasselt and the faculty of Architecture & Art at Hasselt University.

Each master project presented demonstrates the continuous interaction between education and research and the personal, creative development of the student.

The setting for the exhibition EXIT / 18 is CCHA. Cultuurcentrum Hasselt shows ‘word-image-music-dance’, supports artists and reflects on art and society.

Among others, my work – the periodical ISSUES no.1- is exhibit during EXIT. In this research project, I reviewed the history and future of ‘the book’ as a medium. Therefore, I looked at the structures of diverse religious books, other non-linear books and new media to design new interpretations of the book in a periodical of multiple parts.

This edition shows documentation that comprises different viewpoints on Mary devotion, its connection to religion and the role of women in society. The periodical is intended and can evolve further, as a platform where the participant maker and reader interacts and discuss social issues. My contribution to the (graphic)content is a personal research on- and interpretation of Mary devotion that took place in my surroundings, in tradition with the family heritage. Sometimes this is done in a critical, spiritual, cheeky, abstract, slightly feministic, rebellious or humorous way, but always subtle. The periodical resulted in a renewed, interactive and interlinked construction of the book(s), in which navigation is the key element.

Typo Berlin 2018

TYPO BERLIN 2018, MAY 17–19

‘People first!’

Debates about digitisation have reached a fever pitch. Almost every industry is talking about change, transformation, disruption, and radical shifts. But what are the requirements for that shift? How do we set it in motion, how do we measure it? What are its consequences? Trigger!

TYPO Berlin will be about the practise of change, about scenarios, about heroes and evaluation. It will be about big data and personal data. And the digital home. Do we really want one? The transparent consumer has long since become a reality. But some consumers have already begun covering their digital tracks. Trigger!

Triggering is everywhere, whether driven by human or artificial intelligence. It can come with deception (fake news) and with revelations (fact checking). It can trigger a personal recommendation or automated purchasing suggestion. A trigger is a key stimulus, a filter, and an impulse.

TYPO 2018 will explore the mechanisms of the digital transformation. And it will address the role of design in that process. It will challenge skills, methods, and tools. So – after mobile first and AI first – how about people first? Follow the debate. In Berlin. House of World Cultures. May 17–19. Trigger!’

During the conference there where interesting lectures about innovative ways of (future) publishing and reading.