Index Passport – Cataloged Indexes from 500 to 1950
INDEX PASSPORT Important developments and typographic-index innovations throughout history and an overview of homogeneous/heterogeneous index text-images are collected in an index catalog. The extended index passport, which contains an overview of 128 selected index designs ...

Workshop READSEARCH – PXL MUSIC immersive festival
From 17 to 19 May 2022, PXL MUSIC-Research and MAD-Research showed their facilities and research projects to their professional network. With external keynote speakers. Ann Bessemans and Janneke Janssen presented a workshop in search of ...

Research magazines #1 #2 #3 #4 – Test materials READSEARCH
The project was developed in the context of a search reading test for student participants in which they had to find the answer to different questions or tasks. The magazines contain a diversity of typographic ...

Symposium Bodies of Evidence

Bureau Europa – Macht, Wellust en Zink

LIBRARY OF EXPERIMENTS 1 – Pocket overview of mosses in Great Britain
Mosses overview poster Mosses overview booklet Mosses overview leprello Mosses overview folded booklet

FORMAT. Changing Attitudes – Z33
For the graphic design of the campaign and catalogue of the exhibition Format, Janneke Janssen started off with the title and subtitle of the exhibition, Changing Attitudes. She designed one ‘blue print’ that contains the ...

Public Secrets – An Architecture of Limburg’s Visual Culture – Bureau Europa
Public Secrets – An Architecture of Limburg’s Visual Culture 29 August – 6 October 2019 You know it. I know it. They know it too. And should anyone ask about it, then we know nothing. ...

EXIT 19 – catalog PXL-MAD, School of Arts Hasselt
Final years’ projects of students in Graphic Design, Object & Jewellery and Fine Arts were exposed on the exhibition EXIT 19 (curated by Parasite 2.0) and in the EXIT 19 postcard catalog.

Beholding Troyan Ceramics – Ivan D. Dobrev
For the artist and fine arts teacher dr. Ivan D. Dobrev I was lucky to take the design to my account of the book Beholding Troyan Ceramics. The book shows Dobrevs’ research of traditional ceramics ...

Rite de passage
Graphic design, scenography, organisation and contribution. The exhibition ‘Rite de passage’ featured typographic work from students who followed or are following (typo)graphic education in Hasselt. The exhibition showed: a) typefaces designed by bachelor and master ...

Periodical ISSUES 1
Reading is like cycling, it needs a certain balance, order and direction. The research reviews the history and future of ‘the book’ as a medium. The structures of diverse religious books, other non-linear books and new media are reflected upon to design new interpretations of the book in a periodical of multiple parts. This edition comprises different viewpoints on Mary Devotion, its connection to religion and the role of women in society.

Kabinet I
Fullness in Creation A typographic approach of making visible the ‘holy’ Mary (Mother, Virgin, Queen, Bride and Transmitter) isn’t mentioned that much in the Gospels of the four Apostles (New Testament) by leaving the spaces ...

Layered Typeface – Reading Type and Typography
The starting point of this project was the connection of the light to everything and making the invisible visible again. In this case, a stained glass window of the Basilica of Our Lady in Maastricht designed by Daan Wildschut. I made a structure that is based upon this stained glass window build out of connecting letterforms and shapes. Designing a new layered (acrylic)glass image in combining my typeface within a grid, words, layers, the positive and negative letter shapes and different colours, made it my personal and contemporary window and an interesting whole with a readable text image. This contrasts with the former images like the (Roman)Catholic church used to indoctrinate her former illiterate followers.

Reflection on work processes as a graphic designer
Portfolio (in pdf and A3 bookelt) of several projects, commissioned work and a crytical reflection on my work process as a designer. +++ Click in the text link to reveal the pdf +++ Portfolio_JannekeJanssen_digi

Hedah – The printed archive
Stichting Hedah, Center for Contemporary Art Maastricht is an artist initiative that offered a stage for current and international developments in the field of visual arts. The center has functioned as the missing link within ...

Theatre posters and flyers
Throughout the years I worked for different theater productions and helped them with their design, like Het Huis van Bourgondië, T.G. Ilay, Gotra and Suikerwolf

Catalogue of small things – Typesetter’s case
As a starting point and subject for the catalogue, I have chosen my typesetter’s case with its content. This use of the typesetter’s case in this way, origins of a 1970s phenomenon, where kitsch knick-knacks ...

Book – Route guide through Garden of Silence
As a subject, I chose the general cemetery on the Tongerseweg in Maastricht. I think this is a very special place because it tells you a lot about the city of Maastricht and its history. ...

Reader – Dogville
I made a reader of Lars von Triers Dogville’s scenario. This very minimalist film – dogma rules are implied – I have tried to introduce in the reader. The film consists of a prologue and ...

Experimental booklets
A I visited the Stedelijk Museum for the exhibition Best Verzorgde Boeken 2016 from the Netherlands and Flanders in Amsterdam, I stumbled upon a title of a book, Belgian Autumn. It is about the gang ...

Poetry bundle – PXL and UHasselt
This poetry bundle brings together a yearly collaborative project of PXL and UHasselts and is a compilation of poems written by its students. The theme of this year was letters in there environment. I made ...

Hedah – The digital archive
See the full digital archive on: archive.hedah.nl Due to a changed/changing timeclimate, in concrete terms another subsidiy policy and a certain compulsory coercion aimed at ‘social relevance’, it wasn‘t achievable for Hedah anymore to achieve ...

Matt Mullican – The performance video archive 1980-2010
The residency project of the artist Matt Mullican – Work in residence – opened in a specially designed projectspace in the St. Nicolaasstraat 2, Maastricht. At the invitation of the Jan van Eyck Academy, Edmond ...

Hedah – Centre for contemporary arts in Maastricht
During my time as a board member of Hedah foundation, centre for contemporary arts Maastrich, I worked on diverse projects; the programming of several exhibitions, work visits with artists, the self-initiated two-weekly film programme, collaborations ...

Mindmapping Cookbook for BrainStudio Brainstudio’s mission is to enable individuals and organizations throughout the world to boost brain performance. The organisasions goal is to help people learn techniques to survive in the information age. BrainStudio ...